Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD Vs ADHD Prescription Drugs - Determining The Best Treatment Option

Drug Threatment - Okay, so little Johnny or precious, but seemingly always energized little Sara, have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with the next step being to select the treatment option that will manage their symptoms safely and effectively without breaking the bank. The advice parents likely will receive typically varies greatly depending on what type of specialist is treating the condition.

For example if your child's primary care physician is a general practitioner he/she is likely to suggested one of a number of stimulant medications (Ritalin, Adderall, etc..), if your child's specialist is a psychiatrist or psychologist behavior modification therapy will likely be the favored course of action, and if they are a holistic practitioner your child will likely be provided a comprehensive natural threatment plan referred to as a full spectrum approach including herbal or homeopathic remedies.
drug threatment
drug threatment

Drug Threatment

So that brings us to our topic of homeopathic remedies for ADHD vs ADHD prescription drugs. We will leave out behavioral therapy or behavior modification since all parties agree it works and would be a good addition to either homeopathic ADHD remedies or ADHD prescription drugs.

At this point you can stop hyperventilating, take a couple of deep breaths, and get ready to begin your investigative journey to find answers.

Which treatment will deliver the best result?

This is tricky one as there is a case to be made for both ADHD prescription drugs and homeopathic remedies for ADHD.

Volumes of well documented research tell us that prescription drugs for attention deficit disorder will produce good results in the short-term about 75 percent of the time. The caveat is the longer they are used the less effective they tend to be (NIMH study). 
Stimulant medications solely treat the symptoms and in no way heal the underlying cause. In other words they are nothing more than a symptom management tool that requires almost perfect daily dosage amounts to provide optimal results.

Homeopathic remedies for ADHD seem to be slightly less effective overall showing to be effective in approximately seven out of ten cases. Millions of natural herbal or homeopathic remedies for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have been sold with parents of ADHD children generally giving this form of treatment very high marks.

One notable advantage for these types of medications is that they may provide long-term benefits. According to one British study examining the benefits of homeopathic remedies when taken by ADHD children the long-term benefits were in the 50 percent range.

What about safety?

Stimulant medications have a long list of possible side effects including stunted growth (though normally temporary), loss of appetite, nervousness, insomnia, changes in personality, skin rashes, headaches, facial tics, and one study published by the National Institute of Health even correlated their use with heart failure and blood pressure issues.

Can you imagine any parent saying "My little Johnny is a foot shorter than his classmates, can't sleep, gets really nervous, and might keel over any day but boy has his grades improved."?

Homeopathy which is the science of natural dilutions is one of the safest forms of medicine known to man. Currently there are no documented cases of side effects when used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in either children or adults.


You can expect to pay around $30 a month for most homeopathic remedies for ADHD. As far a prescription medications go if your insurance is picking up the tab on a co-pay the cost is likely to be about a wash. If your insurance covers the cost of the medications then stimulants will be the more affordable option. On the other hand, if you are without insurance or your insurance plan will not pick up the cost for alternative treatments then homeopathic remedies will likely be far less expensive.

Choosing the right natural remedy

This is a complicated issue with most well established natural health companies providing a well trained support team to talk to parents about exactly these types of concerns. I would advise you to take advantage of this type of free resource in order to make the most informed decision possible.

From my perspective as an independent researcher much will depend on the number of symptoms and whether or not a co-existing condition such as ODD, OCD, depression, or bi-polar disorder are present, and to what degree. Many of the newer homeopathic remedies for treating child ADHD have over 20 ingredients to cover a broader spectrum of symptoms.

On the other hand one of the best selling homeopathic remedies for ADHD children of all time contains only four ingredients. They are hyoscyamus, arsen iod, verta alb, and tuberculinum.

In conclusion, as you might guess being a natural health guy I lean toward natural remedies primarily due to safety and long-term unknowns. That said, parents should consult with their doctor, mental health professional, or natural health specialist to find the right treatment solution as ADHD symptoms can vary greatly from child to child.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7040615

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Depression Treatment Centers : Beware Danger and Go Depression Symptoms

There is a validity period, and all will indeed there is a season. Depression Treatment Centers When the word that we understand everyone must learn to understand we live there are times when we will need more time than usual to devote more time to relax. To release a flurry during the busy work so we need drug therapy should be used within a week.

Well've also discussed in the article

Understanding Depression
Depression is a state where one feels very sad. At a certain point the depression could become a nuisance as prolonged Sad that eventually interfere with daily activities - day, feel very tired that want to stop doing anything, resulting in lack of sleep or symptoms of sleeplessness and the most severe finally will find itself not strong menggung all The sadness singga decided to commit suicide.
If left unchecked would be a distraction kejiawaan (Psychology)
Kind of - kind Depression
Depression Treatment Centers

Depression vary greatly depending on the type and the severity of depression. There are also grouped based on symptoms of depression experienced by patients. Here it is some type Depression among others:

Depression Treatment Centers : Based on his photo There Mania

Mania is when a person feels very very happy but it was not clear why. Mania opposite of depression. But both are still Mood Disorders to be in alert. Based on their mania Depression disorders are divided into 2 include:
1. Unipolar
Unipolar disorder sufferers usually do not feel the mania, so much to unipolar depression and despair that so deeply to the absence of passion for life.
2. Impaired Bilapolar
Bilapolar disorder characterized by depression with mania. So sipenderita sometimes feel senag no apparent reason and arrived - arrived feeling sad and depressed diaat simultaneously.
B. Based on the weight of lightness Depression

1. Major Depression Disorder
Major depression disorder can be described as severe depression. Not only was this depression only lasted for a little over 2 weeks but could myebabkan sufferers have a desire to commit suicide.
2. Minor Depression Disorders
Minor depression disorder lighter than in major depressive disorder. waktunyapun shorter and the patient is still able to interact well with others.
C. Based on Psychological Diseases

1. Disturbance Dysthmic
Dysthmia almost the same as major depressive disorder, but in a very long period of time can be up to many - years. Indeed Disthmia lighter than major depression but very dangerous and included into the category of depression is more severe because prolonged.
2. Depression Psychotic Disorders
Depression can be seen very clearly, because sometimes sipenderita always have hallucinations (can be seen - things that he feared or things that made him feel guilty) or experiencing delusions (like hearing the sound of a whisper booth demon god or whatever he believes).
3. Seasonal Depression Disorders
Well if this one as the transfer season only, for example when the rainy season people will experience major depression but in an instant will disappear when the summer comes.
Causes of Depression

Organobiologis factors or due to the abnormalities found in the brain. Examples such as the imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, especially serotonin.
Psychological factors, if it is already clear that the depression may be experienced due to stress - psychological stress experienced by the patient.
Social factors, depression may diakibaklan by social and environmental factors for example, just when people with depression lose those he loved or loved. Could having already experienced a large enough disaster and much more.

People who Depression Risk

Women are more prone to depression because it has a soft heart and easily hurt
Experienced in late adolescence or early dewawa period
Low economy or the economy of high displacement suddenly bankrupt
Environmental being surrounded by conflict and problems that lead to violence
Symptoms of Depression

Feeling Sad
Feel guilty
Empty Feeling
Feeling desperate and hopeless None
Feel Useless
It's easy once tersinggu
Often Feel Restless
Felt it was no longer the person concerned
Feeling very tired when doing an activity
Feel a lack of energy
Impaired in concentrating so hard to remember information and difficult to make a decision.
Experienced insomnia or whether it's sustainable hyperinsomnia often wake ditengan night or can not fall asleep at all. sometimes also sleep in a very long period of time.
Loss of appetite or become anxious once in a meal
Feel headache, headaches, stomach cramps and digestive disturbances.
Their thoughts about the death that continues to haunt so thought about suicide.
Depression danger

Can cause psychiatric disorders
Could endanger yourself
Could endanger others
Can cause death due to suicide
It could even kill others without knowing it
Depression is very dangerous, because depression can kill very quickly without realizing it. When a person is feeling depressed because his life is meaningless and feel more things that will cause death. Never once - times underestimate your depression. Or if you see someone suffering from depression try to understand and talk to.

Turns of change in the Depression, Causes and Dangers of Depression Depression is very long. Make this as a benchmark so that you avoid the name of depression. Try to always reassuring and do not be too concerned about the problem continually make your brain becomes more relaxed. Surely you do not open ended question like depressed, so it is with me: D.

Share this article to people - people you care about, and if you need a friend to confide try to contact us we will help as much as possible, although we can not provide a solution at least we could, helps make your heart becomes better. Do not forget to leave comments and yaa like this article. Thank you for visiting

Depression Treatment Centers : Cooking Now Can Be Therapeutic Treatment of Depression and Mental Illness


Depression Treatment Centers : Cooking Now Can Be Therapeutic Treatment of Depression and Mental Illness

If the state noticed the seriousness of the current man of the depressive illness, there should be a special place to tackle this disease, well the problem of mental disorders. Or did the government make a depression treatment centers that was created for patients with depressive disorders to be dealt with quickly.

There is a discovery that could easily be overcome with depression that attack, but can also overcome mild depression with daily activities. For example by cooking, it can be a means of relieving stress. Now some health clinics in the United States makes the process of cooking and baking as a means of therapy for people with depression, anxiety or other mental health problems.
Depression Treatment Centers : Cooking Now Can Be Therapeutic Treatment of Depression and Mental Illness
Depression Treatment Centers : Cooking Now Can Be Therapeutic Treatment of Depression and Mental Illness

The program aims to teach how to cook healthy and eating skills for people living in a variety of pressures. The counselor said the class is created to reduce stress, build confidence, and dispel negative thoughts. Sometimes the program is also a part of the larger design of treatments such as speech therapy or treatment.

One of the depression treatment centers or who adopt cooking therapy is a treatment center for adolescents, Newport Academy in Connecticut. Teens are taught cooking to help the treatment of mental illness and addiction.

Chef Patricia D'Alessio there to teach teens how to make healthier versions of their favorite foods like burgers or macaroni and cheese. He showed the technique to cut vegetables or make a patty of meat. Later the youth will follow the way a chef with the materials they have.

"Class for two hours it can make them focus on something stressful or emotional beyond what has happened in their life. This shift their mind to focus on the process of cooking," said Patricia as reported by The Wall Street Journal (9/12 / 2014).

In the center of the depression treatment already have good prospects. According to psychologists from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, cooking and baking is an activity that is suitable for this type of behavioral activation therapy. The goal is to reduce depression by increasing positive activities, improve goal-oriented behavior, as well as reducing the delay and the passive nature of love.

Adapapun activities besides cooking also exists in the center of the treatment of depression, which is the process of eating together also plays a role in the healing process. Helen Tafoya, clinical manager of the psychosocial rehabilitation program at the University of New Mexico Psychiatric Center, said sharing the results of the food and the eating together could help the recovery. For some people with mental illness, feeling socially isolated.

Helen added that the central depression treatment does have many benefits and experiences in the kitchen or dining together at the dinner table with others can improve social skills and confidence. So the cooking classes are also made for people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Based on a 2004 study, British researchers did find that the class made a cake (baking) can encourage self-confidence, improve concentration and give a sense of accomplishment for the 12 patients treated at a mental health clinic. In addition, several recipe books also mention how the treatment of depression can be obtained from the process of cooking in the kitchen.
(Odi / MSA)

that's a quote from AFP about the urgency of addressing depression in the center of the depression treatment does provide many benefits for people who are in need will help problems being faced on the subject of depression that had approached her.

thx for read Depression Treatment Centers : Cooking Now Can Be Therapeutic Treatment of Depression and Mental Illness

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

How To Detect Breast Cancer Presence On Body

Breast cancer is attacking women. Maybe we already know the name of cancer. And one of the most common cancer among women is breast cancer. The problem is, cancer is not a disease that is not easily detected. Many do not pay attention to personal health problems, someone who looks healthy and seems pretty no pain, even at risk of developing the disease this one.

the breast is one of the most valuable member of the body for women but also the most vulnerable to the risk of cancer, to try to begin to detect the early presence of breast cancer in your body. because the detection of breast cancer can be done early. do not confuse to do, how to detect the presence of breast cancer cells in the body?

how to check for breast cancer: The presence of lumps

A research states that one of the symptoms of breast cancer that is often seen is a lump in the body. When you want to know your breasts are free of cancer or not, try to feel your breasts.

When you feel a lump or a weird thing with your breasts, try to immediately consult a doctor and find out what happened to your breasts.

how to check for breast cancer, Is there any sense of pain in the breast Terrific?

This is one of the most common symptoms felt by patients with breast cancer before she was actually diagnosed with cancer. Breast cancer is usually characterized by severe pain around the breasts, upper arms and also on the back.

Typically, the pain does not happen every day. However, you should not underestimate it. Be sure to soon conduct an inspection if you feel pain in one part of your body especially the breast. Detecting breast pain due to cancer could be done and known as your body is too tired because of the work piling up or because of feelings of stress.

how to check for breast cancer, to check the color of the breast

Healthy breast will have the same color with skin color. And when a person is at risk of breast cancer, breast color will be different. Not infrequently breast has a slightly darker color in the nipple area. Not only that, the texture of the breast skin will redden even rash looks like an orange peel or less.

Try your more thoroughly, you can observe the color of the skin of your breast. If it can not do directly, try standing in front of the mirror and see the color of your breasts. See also how the state of your nipple. Putting that juts into the well could be a sign you are at risk of developing breast cancer.

how to check for breast cancer, Find Out Family Health History

Some studies mention that cancer is a disease that can easily pass along to someone through their parents and relatives. When you have a family that breast cancer is the mother's first person, be sure to immediately carry out a check on your body.

When you start to see on the health of your body, do not hesitate to see a doctor. In addition to the above, detecting the presence of breast cancer can be done with a blood test, surgical tests (biopsies), imaging tests, ultrasound (ultrasound) and MRI at a nearby hospital.

A few articles, how to detect the presence of breast cancer. If you do not want to take risks, better try to see a doctor before it's too late.

source : vemale

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Personal Health Record: Skin Care Tips Before Bed

Women are very concerned with his skin, so he wants to always look beautiful and smooth skin. Because the skin is one of the valuable assets of our body. After a day of activities, we recommend you clean the skin before going to bed. Consider the personal health skin care tips before sleep more, as reported by Mag for Women follows.

Because there are so many personal health we must guard to live happy days with full percya themselves and still look attractive for everyone. That's why often in key,

Well maybe there are benefits and personal health knowledge we can get from the cleaning of pores up to the part that probably never ogled or touched.
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Cleanse pores
The main goal is to treat the skin before bed to clean the pores that are not blocked by dust and dirt that cause acne.

Moisturizers are good
Choose a cleanser and moisturizer that is suitable according to your skin type before bed to keep the natural beauty of your skin.

Once a week
Once a week, you also need to do the scrubbing or exfoliating. This was done to clean the skin cells are already dead.

Eating oranges
At dinner, enjoy citrus fruit or salad to hydrate the skin. Besides citrus, a good source of water can be obtained from watermelon, melon and grapefruit.

Drink water
Of course, you also need to drink water before going to bed. Not only keep your skin hydrated, drinking water is also capable of digestion.

Night cream
Many people have dry skin and sensitive. If you, too, apply a night cream in the area elbows, knees and heels are dry.

In addition to night cream, you could also use a lotion for hands and body parts. Wrap feet with socks to keep skin soft when awake.

Nightdress loose
Do not wear clothes that are too tight when sleeping. Use nightgown loose so that the skin can breathe freely.

Sleep on their backs
personal health. Familiarize yourself to sleep on their backs so that the lines are not depressed inner face with a pillow and injure the skin.

Aroma Therapy
Use wparfum or fragrances that soothe before you sleep. Thus you can relax and sleep will be more restful.

That skin care tips before going to bed on personal health. Are keen to try and become a problem Sisis

Personal Health Tip: Coping with Dry Skin

Personal Health Tip: Coping with Dry Skin

Sometimes not in a state of drought was there that our skin feel dry, dry skin is also a factor of negligence we are not concerned with personal health. Tips to cope with dry skin is quite easy and simple, it is also of the advice of the parents first.

Only with our personal health care will prevent health problems, in this case the dry skin. "To cope with dry skin, enough to multiply the avocado in your diet. The fruit is rich in healthy fats and vitamin E, both of which play a role in promoting healthy skin."

A few quick tips dry skin from personal health record, may help overcome the problems of your skin being dry and start paying attention now.

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Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

Tips Personal Health: Chronic Lower Back

Tips Personal Health: Chronic Lower Back

Chronic pain conditions the lower back section is usually felt by people who are elderly, sometimes personal health conditions that we do every day can not be separated from the bad habits start.

Few tips from personal health to cope with chronic lower back condition, alternative consider a bath seat (hipbath). This bath alleviate chronic inflammatory condition of major organs in the pelvis, ovaritis, cellulitis and various neuralgia (pain along the nerve nibble) of the genital organs, sciatica and pinggal sick. "

personal health

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Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Personal Health Tips: The Benefits of Coconut Water

Personal Health Tips: The Benefits of Coconut Water - Already we equally know that everything in the palm beneficial, from the tree to the root is also useful everything. Well this time our personal health can also be improved by consuming coconut water.

Approximately what is the benefit of coconut water to drink it? let alone be useful to improve personal health, of course, everyone wants to be healthy tips bukan.Berikut is simple and short.

Coconut Water Benefits For Personal Health

"Coconut water helps relieve thirst and replace water consumption, especially if we are in a period of fasting in the holy month it would be useful to relieve thirst during the 14 hour hold thirst, because coconut water contains electrolytes or mineral composition is balanced and is similar to the fluid human blood. " personal health course should not be less than the fluid in the body is not.

It also reportedly can help you lose weight, personal health companions may need to record the important thing is that besides coconut water can quench thirst because of the composition of the electrolyte which is very similar to the human body fluids. If you're thirsty and drinking coconut water, this will help you full longer. So that will delay hunger and reduce the desire to eat sweet foods.

This process is important for personal health will automatically make eating becomes less, which means total calorie consumption was down. In addition, drinking coconut water is also known to remove toxins that will help you lose weight faster and reduce hunger.

The point may be able to delay the hunger which if again in the course of this may be used as a meal replacement alternatives before finding hungry. Maybe it was just the tips and the benefits of coconut water we consume, so that we can be more caring about personal health to maintain in order to stay healthy.

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Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

Quick Tips From a Personal Health: Overcoming the Dark Circles Under Eyes

Personal Health - Usually, if there is the slightest problem in appearance she would immediately panic, well women will usually feel it and it definitely. This relates to the problem of dark circles under the eyes are usually in the form of wrinkles that indicate skin aging.
Whether it is a serious threat, of course, was a serious threat to personal health. Moreover, women do not want appearances damaged even though he was getting old age.

Quick Tips From a Personal Health: Overcoming the Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can make one's appearance looks gloomy and not menarik.Karena less attention to personal health, but do not worry we can try these simple tips that there are several ways that you can do to overcome them, without having to spend a lot of money. Enough sleep, do not smoke, and do not consume alcoholic beverages are some simple ways to prevent dark circles under the eyes.

Here are quick tips for us to pay attention to personal health hygiene, especially in matters eliminate dark circles under the eyes, or the eyes of the marsupial.

Hope it is useful

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Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: The Benefits of Chewing Gum

Quick Tips From Personal Health: Benefits of Chewing Gum

Personal health - Perhaps chewing gum activity is fraudulent activities of young people or also commonly done by small children, who are like the chewing gum. But it turns out that behind the chewing gum is useful and important for our personal health.

And most importantly, when chewing gum that had not contain sugar, which it is no longer the sweetness. Why this is important for personal health? because it can help improve your teeth and also inhibits the process of decay.

And in addition to good personal health  hygiene especially for maintaining healthy teeth, but it also chewing gum could also help train the muscles of the face, as well as make the cells salivary glands work better and more efficiently. Maybe it can help you keep your face fresh and toned without having to use tools or specialized sports cosmetics.

Maybe it simple it can help keep your personal health in order to remain healthy and able to keep awake his health until old days later.

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Personal Health Record: Tips on How to Overcome Anxiety

Personal Health Record: Tips on How to Overcome Anxiety

There are some natural ways that you can do to cope with anxiety and restlessness.

Personal Health Record: Tips on How to Overcome Anxiety
Cobala to bath with warm water is one of the most effective ways and simple to be able to cope with stress in a job or in the face of problems every day. Either at the office or in the family of stress could have come from anywhere.

Or you can also try out also by consuming vitamin B complex, to cause a hormone that can reduce anxiety or stress that suddenly hit you. It is indeed unpredictable when anxiety in us to come but if it comes we can immediately know how to handle it, that's the way of personal health record to overcome anxiety.

Thus quick tips personal health record that might help you reduce anxiety

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Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: Bathing Babies

Clean the body is a routine activity for everyone, no exception in infants. Because the bath is an activity that is fun and it is recommended to eliminate body odor but it also can help eliminate cells dead skin cells following yan Personal Health Record commentator about bathing the baby is important.

Personal Health Record advise the mother to baby bathing moments can be the best moment at which the activities were not the same as bathing the whole body is in ourselves, malainkan the baby's body where it is our own flesh and blood that must be considered with more thoroughly.

How to Clean Ear Toys

Many of which provide input to us when bathing the baby, there is much to be considered which time it is to clean the baby's ear. How to Wipe the baby's ear with a warm cloth while bathing.

Personal Health Record recommends do not clean up in a dry state because it can cause irritation. Do not use cotton buds when cleaning, because it can damage the eardrum children that lead to further complications.

A few of the Personal Health Record on Short Tips From a Personal Health Record: Bathing Babies, hopefully short tips in this article can help the mother to a little noticed this trivial thing, where it will run continuously for our baby.

Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: Eliminate Knee Pain

For the relief of pain in the knee, we can start by eating foods high in calcium to strengthen bones, simple tips to maintain health it seems easy, from personal health record we began to notice the shortcomings and anything related to the health of ourselves.
Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: Eliminate Knee Pain
Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: Eliminate Knee Pain

Quick Tips From a Personal Health Record: Eliminate Knee Pain

Let us start with a high calcium-rich foods and milk, turmeric is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. You can also do yoga exercise to increase muscle flexibility knee. If you do not have time to spare, According to your personal health record can massage the knee with coconut oil, olive oil or other massage oils, for 15 minutes.

Bailah maybe it is a short tips of personal health record that you can try at home, hopefully it can help reduce and help your health back on prime.

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Personal Health Record On Male Reproductive health problems

Personal health record - Problems About reproductive apparently not only experienced by women sajah, but it turns out the man as well. And now we will discuss issues that may have ever tasted or friends ever feel the same way, here becomes a personal health record, to be used as a lesson for us all in order to prevent or treat our health has deteriorated.

Although most men never pay attention to this issue, but we note that this team is a serious problem when it talked about the household, where this is a vital tool that will be an important thing to kelansungan home life later. Personal health record maintaining health is highly recommended for all types of diseases.

Our personal health record about this health problem that can be caused by poor diet, there is also because of dependence on alcohol and drugs, because they do not adopt a healthy lifestyle, or are in health care, or because of age. This should be used as personal health record because of many factors can lead to dysfunction in one of the male sexual organ. Here are some of the reproductive health problems experienced by men.

Personal health record On Male Reproductive health problems

1. Personal Health Record : Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
BPH is the enlargement of the prostate gland disorders. This enlargement makes the urethra (the body which carries urine from the bladder out of the body) stressed that restrict the flow of urine. BPH normally occurs in men aged 50 years and over as a result of the aging process caused by changes in hormone balance and cell growth, maybe we can make a personal health record. Symptoms of BPH is incomplete urination, urinate two or more times per night, pain during urination, and the presence of blood or pus in the urine. BPH can be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle such as not to delay when the urge to urinate, avoid alcohol and caffeine, especially during the hours after dinner, reducing stress, and exercising regularly. Important for maintaining personal health.

2. Personal Health Record : Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability to bereksi or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse due to blocked blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical problems (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal problems, surgery, injury) or psychological (anxiety, stress, depression) or because of side effects of the use of certain drugs. Erectile dysfunction can be treated by addressing the cause, such as physical problems, psychological, or medication. Please make OTE in serious personal health that erectile dysfunction can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle such as consultation with a doctor about your health problems, consult with a psychologist to relieve stress, anxiety, or depression, quit smoking, limit or avoid alcohol, do not use drugs and regular exercise.

3. Personal Health Record : Infertility
Infertility in men is the inability of a man to perform reproduction. Infertility in men can be caused by problems in the testicles, a blockage in the ducts that carry sperm, hormonal problems, infections, genetic disorders, lifestyle, or environmental factors. One way to find out if a man is infertile semen tested to determine sperm count and motility (the ability of sperm to move toward the egg). Infertility can not be treated or prevented, but you can avoid some of the causes of infertility by living a healthy lifestyle, it is also important with regard to personal health patterns currently in the form do not smoke, limit or abstain from alcohol, stay away from drugs, maintain weight, reduce stress, avoid exposure to pesticides, heavy metals and other toxins.

4. Personal Health Record : Epididymitis
Epididymitis is swelling of the epididymis tissue that connects the testes to the vas deferens (sperm storage overcooked). For young children please be advised that the disease apparently epididymitis is most common in young men aged 19-35 years. The disease is largely caused by the spread of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted disease. Epididymitis symptoms include blood in the semen, discomfort in the lower abdomen or pelvis, fever, a lump near the testicles, pain during ejaculation, pain or burning during urination, scrotum (a part of the male body) which is located behind penis) swollen and sore, especially testicular pain when defecating. Epididymitis complications can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment or practicing a healthy lifestyle with safe sex, so in a personal health record quotes from Scott Miller, MD, urologist at the site of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, USA www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov (09/29/2014).

5. Personal Health Record : Priapism
Priapism is a persistent erection, painful, From the monitoring of personal health record can last for more than four hours and occurs without sexual stimulation. This condition occurs when blood can not flow in the penis. If this condition is not treated promptly, can lead to permanent erectile dysfunction. Priapism can occur in all age groups. If you suffer from priapism, do not attempt to treat yourself. Instead, look for emergency treatment at the hospital as soon as possible, suggestions Charles E. Jennings, MD, a urologist at the site www.webmd.com (09/12/2013).

If you experience symptoms of reproductive health problems, consult your doctor immediately to get treatment and do not forget to always adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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